01: About the ‘Sports for Life Million Steps Challenge (SFLMSC) 2021 Season 2’?

The Sports for Life (SFL) Fitness Assessment (Walk or Run Test) will not be organised this year in view of the current Covid situation. As a replacement, MESRC is organising the Sports for Life Million Steps Challenge (SFLMSC) 2021 Season 2 from 18 July 2021 to 25 October 2021 (100-Day Challenge). We leverage on the Pacer App to motivate staff to increase their physical activity on an individual basis and develop a healthy lifestyle.

The SFLMSC 2021 Season 2 is complemented by the MOE Healthy Lifestyle Incentive Award (HLIA) Scheme. Incentives award will be given to participants who meet the set criteria for 1 million steps, 800K steps and 600K steps during the 100-day qualifying period.